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The Power of Coaching 

As a leader, the idea of coaching can feel daunting. Most of us don’t feel we truly know what coaching is or how to make it work. And we’re all very busy. The idea of coaching can feel like just another thing to do within an ever-growing list of tasks.

It’s easy to look at coaching as something cluttering your calendar or another task to complete. Maybe you want to do a good job but don't know where to start. Or it falls at the bottom of your to-do list. This presentation will explore various methods – and their benefits – of coaching and how they can be used to ensure employee success and how coaching can help organizations become more people-centered. As a consultant, Mike Bensi helps organizations build strategies that transform their culture and employee experience, as well as the leaders who support both.

During the session, attendees will learn: 

  • The importance of adopting a level of care for creating successful outcomes for employees,

  • The value of feedback in creating a greater efforts towards coaching, 

  • Tools to help lead meaningful coaching conversations, and,

  • Additional methods to create greater connection with employees.

Session Takeaways

  • Coaching involves elements of learning, goal setting, and change. 

  • Effective feedback can be a valuable and effective tool in helping coach employees. 

  • Coaching must be delivered authentically in order to be effective. 


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